STARDROP - October Update
Thank You October saw the launch of SCI (STARDROP Crowdfunding Initiative) and I wanted to express to backers and fans of STARDROP just...

What I Actually Do: Joure
When the credits fade in during STARDROP's introduction scene it reads: Created By Joure Visser. I don't think that's asking too much...

STARDROP - Production Report #1
Hi everyone. Today I will start a weekly update that will go into the history of STARDROP. Some of you might recall that one of the...

Working With Marketplace Assets
I'm writing this blog post in the midst of our kickstarter campaign. It's hectic and I needed to calm down for a bit. People often ask me...

Why I'm Making STARDROP
I have gotten a few questions about what motivates me to make a game, or STARDROP in this case. I decided to take a small pause and talk...

STARDROP - Let's Play by Nero Mystyra
To help me kick off building a community Nero Mystyra has published a Let's Play video of STARDROP - CHapter 1. Thanks Nero. :)